Monday, June 15, 2009

Blogging… Some thoughts

Blogging, a new term which is in the lime-light for the past few years, associated with the informal/formal activities of people, about which they write and are shared with the general public on regular/need basis. The term seems to be new, but the concept is not

About two decades ago, when the technology has not been that cheap and easily accessible, most of us still blogged, and blogged regularly. This was in the form of a diary-writing activity, normally carried out at the end of the day, with all the details of that day. The only limitation of that form of blogging was its access to general public across the globe, all the time

With the current arena of blogging, we are using this mechanism to share our thoughts /ideas /experiences /findings with literally the rest of the world, and this information is easily accessible to all of us, round the clock. This feature has risen the significance of this activity to such an important level that everyone is recognizing the presence and effectiveness of Effective Blogging

If you could dive in to your daily routine, you can easily find out that each and every person in this world is involved in blogging; physically, verbally, virtually


Most of the people write down, majority of which now write with the help of computers. Now you can find a number of blogging websites, each having millions of users, majority of them posting their views daily


Some people don’t have the time to write. Either they are not that disciplined or they are so busy that they perceive that it could take some extra time; so these people opt to speak. They speak with their spouse, family members, colleagues, friends etc.

The people who are not disciplined, when they speak, they are really a treat to hear. If you could sit silent against them, without disturbing them, you would really enjoy hearing them and you would end up in discovering some new aspects of speech and new ways of analysis. They speak without giving a second thought to their views. They do not actually care about the consequences, which they could have to face, after expressing such kind of views. Their undisciplined approach really teaches you much of the facts, caring for some makes you a disciplined and effective speaker/blogger

The other group of the people, who does not have time to do so as per their much busy schedules, are much disciplined while they speak. They would speak according to an agenda. Their conversation would be chronological, well-directed, focused and they would end with an appropriate conclusion. They are experienced speakers, flexible in their chosen vocabulary, and can simply play around with the words effectively


You must be wondering, how could anyone blog virtually? But its true and you would agree with me. We all think, we make analysis in our minds, we take decisions, and all of this is without uttering a single word. This is what I perceive as “Blogging Virtually”

We are doing it all the time. Random ideas, random thoughts keep on coming to us all the time. We start to build upon a hypothesis based upon those random thoughts. And all of this is done in our mind

Effective Blogging:

The Skill, by the help of which one can transform the details of Virtual Blogging to Physical Blogging, with completeness in terms of the information, could be termed as “Effective Blogging”. And this is perhaps the need of the hour for all the bloggers around the world that they should strive hard to build upon this skill, so that they could effectively transform their ideas in a documented form. The only way to strengthen this skill is blogging regularly, as practicing regularly would mature the skills by time

Regular blogging should also be accompanied with regular critical analysis of both the content and the writer. This critical analysis should be carried out by some other person, whom we term as a ‘critic’ but the final verdict would be of the writer himself, in the light of the comments given by the critic. Critical analysis from more than one critic would yield better results

However, I believe that we can strive for Excellence in this regard, but Complete Excellence in terms of Effective Blogging could not be achieved, as it would remain a human practical limitation

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